In the news...
"A local CPR freight train hit a van that wandered onto the tracks
yesterday near Aston. The occupants of the van, 2 men, 2 women
and a large Great Dane were shaken but otherwise unhurt. The driver
of the van, Norville "Shaggy" Rogers, claimed, "the gang, was like
checking out the spooky old building [Generic Canneries], when like this
ghost got in the train and started driving toward us!."
Police may have another explanation. A small quantity of biscuits were
found in the van and have been sent to the crime lab for testing. Toxicology
results for Mr. Rogers are also pending.
A spokesperson for Generic Canneries, Malcroft Withers emphasized that the building is a going concern and that trespassing charges may be filed against Mr. Rogers and the rest of the gang. Mr. Withers said, "Generic
Canneries has enough troubles without a bunch of no good kids nosing around."
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