Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Random diversions on the road to completion

The section bordering Nowhere Road is the last significant scenic area to be filled in. This is a sad feeling for since the greatest sense of accomplishment is the addition of something new to the layout - like when I placed Aston Growers on the layout after a 4-5 month project.

So I've had to content myself with little things while I aim for the completion of the last part.

Aston is now Aston

Believe it or not but one of the longest struggles I had was to create a "name board" for Aston station.

What font should it be?

What size font?

What about letter spacing?

Here is Snelgrove station:

Two different sign types! And what is the font on the side of the station. I spent months looking for the answer and couldn't find anything. So in the end, I tried a variety of fonts and came out with this:

Good enough, I'd say.

Scenic texture

I added some junk to the foreground scene near Nowhere Road:

...and a gate to the men's clubhouse. My first soldering project! And the dollar store "rust paint" set did an amazing job making the gate look elderly.

...subtle scenic wildflowers

And finally...ran some trains:

All of the above is activity that took place between May and July.

The next (and pretty much final) step is a very involved project to fill and scenic the pink hole: